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First of all, cartoons are the friendliest way to promote your product, campaign, event or business!
Everyone loves cartoons, from princes to paupers, PMs to parking cops. Some promotional narratives even end up having a life of their own!
BELOW: Here's a promotional postcard illustration for Minolta, who was sponsoring the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. It features a few of Melbourne's more prominent buildings, sporting stars and showbiz identities as well as the two bosses of Minolta Australia at the wheel.
BELOW: One of the most unusual campaigns Steve was asked to add a "blast" to was World Egg Day in 2004, which just so happened to be the day before the Australian Federal Election... so the idea was to draw caricatures of the two Prime Ministerial contenders ontro dozens and dozens of hard-boiled eggs! Naturally it was one of Stewart White's VERY original hare-brained schemes. It was all last-minute, so Steve had only one day to do it. Here's the proof...
BELOW: A Sydney-based aerial photographer wanted a unique logo to promote his business of letterheads, business cards, etc. It took a couple of goes for Steve to figure out how to best hang someone out of an aeroplane!