Cartoons & Illustrations - Part 2
Deutsche Bank, being German, decided to celebrate OktoberFest (the much-admired beer-drinking festival) by inviting their favourite clients to a celebratory party. Obviously, a similarly-themed invitation was required... and voilá! See some more promotional cartoons by CLICKING HERE.
A regular project of Steve's each year is the preparation of cartoons for Servcorp's annual report. Yep - you heard... there is a company out there with the ability to think out-of-the-box and relieve readers of the repetitious boredom of leafing through pages and pages of text. Each year has a theme - the 2006 report exhibited an Asian influence (thanks to Servcorp's successful entry into the South-East Asian market). This meant a fair deal of research for the cartoons, but the end result was worth it. Here are a few of the illustrations from the 2006 Servcorp Annual Report:
(Copyright 2007 Noz Productions)